Lesson: Twisteezwire Valentine’s Heart
Wire coat hangers act as a rigid support frame to attach Twisteezwire. Use hanger in combination with our wire to make Valentine’s hearts, Halloween masks, butterflies, birds, bish and many other colorful wire projects.
Coil, twist and weave Twisteezwire around the coat hangers. String beads and buttons through Twisteezwire. You can even string candy through the wire or attach a valentine card. You can hang your wire heart from the hook and make a mobile.
Remember to be creative. No two hearts are the same!.
Wire coat hanger projects
Click image above to see wire coat hanger projects. Make wire hearts, masks, birds, turtles and figures.

Start with a wire coat hanger.

Shape coat hanger into shape of a heart. Leave hook in middle to hang the heart.

Modify heart shape as you like.